
Sunday, 27 February 2011

DCS- Seamless Branding

Seamless branding is all about enhancing the consumer experience, digital can be one way in which this is possible. There are many ways it can be done digitally, through social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter, through mobile phone apps or even microsites. These are all ways in which the consumer can actually interact with the brand. I for instance, “Like” the brand Cornetto UK on Facebook and this is now a way for me to interact with this brand. I can see information about its latest products and any updates appear on my homepage. 

Most brands now have a facebook page which they regularly update to inform consumers about their products or services. I think this is definitely a way forward, because of the high proportion of people using social media sites like Facebook, if they can access information about brands they like without having to go on to their websites they are more likely to take notice of the brands profile because they are not having to leave Facebook. An advantage is also that if , like me , people see they someone has “liked” a brands page on their homepage, they will think “Oh, I like that brand” and press like straight away without thinking twice about it and there we go, they now receive updates from that brands page constantly.
Another digital way of enhancing the consumer experience of your brand is through things such as mobile phone applications. A good example of this is the “Wetherspoons” app, in which if downloaded can direct you to the nearest “Wetherspoons” pub. This allows consumers to be able to access the brand very easily. They are being informed of how to get to the pub and whereabouts the nearest one to them is. Many companies now have “apps” which are available for their consumers to use, Tesco have the grocery scanning app, Aviva has an accident claiming app and even Topshop has an app which is updated 5 times a week and claims to have over 300 new styles added.
As someone who uses apps, I think that this is a good way to enhance consumer experiences. With an app like the “Wetherspoons” I would definitely use this and find it useful because I have been in the situation before, when your visiting a place you’ve never been before and looking for somewhere to eat and you don’t know where anything is and you think oh a spoons will do but you don’t have a clue where one is. An app which is going to take you directly to the desired brand will be a hit because people are lazy and don’t want to have to figure out things for themselves, or if there anything like me they don’t want to stop and ask someone directions!
I think that digital can be very effective in enhancing consumers’ experiences and it does relate to seamless branding, because it can easily give people information about a brand without directly advertising to them and a lot of the time people are choosing to interact with the brand and are actively searching for the information.


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